RSS Ticker

Display dynamic feed content anywhere on a Layout using Elements or include Static Templates with pre-styled designs in Layouts/Playlists.

The Ticker Widget primarily consists of a data source location which feeds into configured Elements and Static Templates.

Ticker Elements

Elements are available for selection when adding an RSS Ticker Widget to a Layout to give Users more control over what components of the Ticker Widget to use and where they can be placed.

Ticker Elements

Each Element has a set of configuration options in the Properties Panel. A URL must be provided to be used as the data source from the Configure tab for each Element used on the Layout. Control how items should be cycled by specifying a Data Slot to use for each of the added Elements. Data Elements can be further complimented by adding Global Elements to add shapes and text which can all be put into an Element Group for easier configuration and positioning.

DataSet Static Templates

Static Templates define how returned items should be laid out and styled and are a simple way to show items using pre-styled templates.

Ticker Templates

Templates can be configured to affect the behaviour of returned results as well as make changes to the design appearance using a range of options in the Properties Panel. A URL must be provided to be used as the data source from the Configure tab for each Template added to the Layout/Playlist.


  • Define how many items should show from a feed.
  • Duration can be set per item.

Use this option with caution as this can create long-running media items. Ensure to use in conjunction with Number of items to limit!

  • Select to start with items from the Start or End of the list.

  • Reverse and Random order of feed items can be selected.

  • Include a Copyright notice to show at the end of the feed.

  • Return results side by side.

  • Provide a list of attributes that should not be stripped from the incoming feed.

  • Include a list of HTML tags to be stripped from the feed.

  • Set a specific User Agent.

  • Decode HTML entities in the feed before parsing it.

  • Disable date sort.

  • Cached for off-line playback.

  • Override the Update Interval for Images.

Create your own RSS Feed to use with this Widget using DataSets!